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I'm currently painting my rental with high end paint, I know it's gonna get ruined but I'm lazy and good paint only needs one coat if you prime properly. I don't know how people ruin places so quickly. I've been in my house for 8 years and it looks no different then the day I moved in yet a tennant can live here for a year and I'll have to fix everything.
In public housing, carpet lasted no more than three months. And they had us install white carpet.
I paid into Social Security for 20+ years. Because I retired with a state pension, I was penalized 66% and only get $600 of my $1800 Social Security. It's called the "Windfall Elimination Tax" which is "WET", because, how ironic, my money that should go to me is diverted to Wetbacks who cross the border. Every year, there is a bill introduced to eliminate the WET, but liberals would rather give my money to the future voters of America, instead of people who lived and died to protect this country.
My brothers in blue are still fighting a good fight on this WET (Windfall Elimination Provision) tax.

The discharge petition for H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, filed by Representatives Garret Graves (R-LA) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) will be available for signatures on Tuesday, September 10. The discharge petition needs 218 signatures to successfully move the bill to the House floor for a vote and we are working to secure as many signatures on September 10 as possible.
H.R. 82 currently has 326 bipartisan cosponsors and the Senate companion, S. 597, has 62 cosponsors. The Social Security Fairness Act has the support necessary to pass Congress by a vast majority. It is time to put words into action and finally pass this vital legislation.
NAPO and our members have been making a full court press on all the current cosponsors to urge them to sign the discharge petition on September 10 and act on their support for repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO). We have run into some hesitation by cosponsors who state that the bill is too expensive and must be paid for in order for them to sign the discharge petition. Our response to those lawmakers is that as a cosponsor of H.R 82, they understand the detrimental impact the WEP and GPO have on public servants’ Social Security retirement benefits, otherwise they would not have signed on in support of the bill. For over 40 years, the GPO and WEP have been harming the retirement security of our nation’s public safety officers simply because they chose a public service profession by taking away hard-earned and much needed benefits. We ask that these Members of Congress do not turn their backs on these public servants now under the veil of “cost concerns”.
While initially meant as a “leveling” response, in recent years the GPO and WEP have been used to prolong the life of the Social Security Trust Fund on the backs of our nation’s public servants, who are seeing cuts across the board to their hard-earned retirement benefits. By totally repealing both the GPO and WEP, the Social Security Fairness Act will preserve the retirement security of those who selflessly serve and protect our communities. One cannot put a price on that security.
Please continue to reach out to your Congressional Representative(s) and request that they sign the discharge petition. This link (Cosponsors - H.R.82 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 | | Library of Congress) is a searchable list of cosponsors of H.R. 82 by state and each name is linked to the website and contact information. You can also find the contact information for staff for every office here and a one-pager on the Social Security Fairness Act here.
I hope it passes.
Is it still hot there Mark? We are beginning into a cool down here with highs in the low 90's forecast through next week.
I hope it passes.
Is it still hot there Mark? We are beginning into a cool down here with highs in the low 90's forecast through next week.
Damn, that is still too hot. We got a break for a few days. 77 high today. Back in the 90s in a few days.
Just did a 5 mile walk, mowed and edged my lawn, fixed 3 broken sprinklers, trimmed shrubs, and had 2 earthquakes 15 minutes apart. 3.5 and a 4.5 within 9 miles of me. :eek:
I can't wait til next week. The smoke has been nasty here. The heat sucks. I'm ready for fall.
The headline about the earthquakes...
California was ravaged 😳
Do you feel ravaged Mark? 😆
I would think in ground pools would be easily damaged by even small earthquakes??? Did you have any damage?.

We've had over 30 today. I didn't feel any. No damage either.
I used to carry earthquake insurance on my house in Ohio. It was cheap and I was near enough to the New Madrid fault that I felt it was worth it. I actually felt a few earthquakes there. Here in Arizona they looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about earthquake insurance. It can happen anywhere though.
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