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I respect the hell out of these guys. They are all trained EMTs and run a lot of emergency calls. Even the volunteers.
This heat has to end. It's relentless and making me grumpy 😕

I've got cabin fever and I'm tired of sweating every time I walk out the door. How the hell do people in Phoenix even like living there? I'd never survive it.

There, I vented 😁
I walked the dogs at 7 and it was still 94 out and heat was rising off the sidewalks. Can't really walk them any later because it's getting dark by 7:30
Good morning everyone! 🌞

We had a heavy rain last night with lots of thunder.and ended up getting almost a half inch. It's blessedly cloudy and cooler this morning... Yay!
Morning all, going to 94 here, I am also over the heat. Today I get to crawl around my skid steer and try and figure out why it's throwing codes.
So the nerve study woke up some of the nerves in my foot. My little toe has been numb for a year. It's half awake and so is the part the cut through. That's good except now they are painful as I'll get. My issue is the calcium deposit where they cut into my bone is still a lump that now has my boot pushing on it so it hurts like hell to wear my boot. Feels like I have a pebble stuck in there.
I just finished watching Sound of Freedom. What a powerful movie. It's on Prime Video now.
Evening, serviced my skid steer, degreased it and took apart most all the electrical connections cleaned them and put them back together. Hopefully it stops throwing codes for connectivity.

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