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Morning all. We are headed over to brother in law's house to help them deal with the loss of their mother/wife. Married for 40 years but diesn't know if she would want cremation or burial, how to pay a bill, how to turn on a computer or turn on an oven. I guess this is a lesson for us all...

I pay 90% of the bills

I am always on the computer

I do most all of the Cooking

What LESSON do I need !!!
I pay 90% of the bills

I am always on the computer

I do most all of the Cooking

What LESSON do I need !!!

90% !!!!????
I pay Verizon, DirecTV, internet, garbage pickup, car insurance for 7 vehicles, all dog food expenses and vet bills, landscaping plants and most yard supplies, and a fairly good portion of groceries. All that adds up to a bit more than the house payment. It's a lot closer to 50/50 than you realize.

And good morning everyone! 😁
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Me and my G/F, Wife, Significant other, whoever she identifies with, have always kept our money separately. All the bills go to her, but she adds up the amount, divides them in half, and I Zelle her that abount. She pays for the day to day groceries, and I pay for all the Costco and Sam's Club bills. If we need something at Home Depot, I show her the receipt and she will Zelle me half of these bills. She buys the gas for her car, and I buy the gas for my car. She has her own car insurance with me added as an alternate driver, and I pay for my car insurance with her as an alternate driver. I never feel cheated, nor does she. In fact, when we go out to dinner, she pays one dinner, and I pay the next dinner. Sometimes the bill can run $250 for a meal, other "In N Out" burger meals run us $20. it all evens out pretty fairly.
Me and my G/F, Wife, Significant other, whoever she identifies with, have always kept our money separately. All the bills go to her, but she adds up the amount, divides them in half, and I Zelle her that abount. She pays for the day to day groceries, and I pay for all the Costco and Sam's Club bills. If we need something at Home Depot, I show her the receipt and she will Zelle me half of these bills. She buys the gas for her car, and I buy the gas for my car. She has her own car insurance with me added as an alternate driver, and I pay for my car insurance with her as an alternate driver. I never feel cheated, nor does she. In fact, when we go out to dinner, she pays one dinner, and I pay the next dinner. Sometimes the bill can run $250 for a meal, other "In N Out" burger meals run us $20. it all evens out pretty fairly.
That sounds perfect to me. Our money is separate also. What we did initially was divide the bills pretty much close to half with him probably paying a little more... and he bought the groceries and paid for restaurants. But I wasn't getting SS widow benefits at the time and now I am so I'm buying a fair amount of groceries and other household stuff.
Everyone is different. Our pensions are pretty much identical, as is our Social Security. She slips her daughter money for her granddaughter's private schooling, and I slip my kids money for incidentals. If we ever decide to part ways, it should be pretty monetarily simple, but devastating (to me at least)
We get separate checks and our autistic son gets one. So we divide up the bills, my check is the largest so I buy most of the groceries. I get bored easily, so I do the laundry, dishes and trash and she cooks, most of the time. I also do the yard work and take care of the vehicles.
"She" does the interior of the house and day to day cooking, and I do the exterior, mowing, cleaning up, washing cars, and the elaborate cooking, and all the BBQ'ing.
Unless I'm away on a trip I do all the yard work and plant watering. I do love yard work. He'll spray and burn weeds and hose the patios on occasion. I do most of the inside housework like vacuuming, dusting, taking out the garbage, bathrooms, etc. He does most of the cooking and fixes things and does special projects around the house. We each do our own laundry.
I got it easy, wife pays everything for the house. She takes care of interior and i do exterior. I paid the house off myself. I pay for all vehicles and vehicle expenses. She pays for groceries when she shops and i pay ehen i shop. We have a joint account but i dont touch it unless its a deposit. I call it house money. We both have seperate accounts.
Good morning!
I always loved taking the kids to the demolition derby.

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