last person to post wins!

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Morning. Kids brought me home a nice cold.
Faucets hooked up, drains are in, new garbage disposal, old one was leaking, new supply lines, hooked the cook top back up...I need a vacation...
I wish! I can't go 30 minutes without my phone ringing. Always someone needs something.

In other news my pothead father in law was talking about buying stocks in pot a couple weeks ago. I decided since I like to play on Etrade I would spend a few hundred bucks on a couple different stocks and off of my 350 dollar investment I have been making about 100 bucks a day. Would have been neat to sink some actual money into it. I was rubbing it in today because he is too stoned to follow through with anything.
Still steaming over the loss of a local police officer yesterday, from a guy who was early released from prison due to overcrowding. He started at Whittier police Department two years after I began my career, we went to the same police academy, and have several common friends. Poor cop was shot in the face when he got out of his unit after a simple, non injury traffic collision. **** that dickwad Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown. He has blood on his hands as do all the idiot snowflakes who voted to release these hardened criminals just in order to save a few pennies on taxes.

RIP Officer Keith Boyer!
It's only thankless in california. Here the criminal is the good guy. Our governor shouldn't be managing a Mc Donald's let alone our state. That guy is a piece of **** and I don't call many that.
I vented this fact on our neighborhood "next door" web site. Take a look at this snowflake's post.

What are the statistics on those released early that committed crimes after their early release? I respect Governor Brown. I am also very invovled in early release for non-violent criminals. There are people in prison for stealing shoes because they did not have them, and got 3-5 years. That cost me as a tax paying person every year. I do not condone crime, but the costs to keep a non-violent criminal in jail falls on my back, and all tax paying citizens. The solution to this problem is needed. The problem is a felon cannot get a decent job, however, this should not cause them to resort back to crime. I believe in working by what ever means, many people do want the easy way out, however, there are many that will work at whatever job they can get and pull themselves back up and become a credit to society. We must accept the fact that we must help those who are trying.

Dr. H. LaVerne Hardin
Poor guy couldn't get a job so he killed people.

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