I have a niece in ******** Portland.Where in Oregon? I have relatives near Coos Bay.
I'm sorryI have a niece in ******** Portland.
Her choice to be there. When my sister passes she will inherit a nice 3BR house here, that she will probably just sell.I'm sorry
bidenAny idea what they call that dipstick the garage used?
He was a super liberal but was funny.Good morning.
Porkland, Oregon...the "Other White Meat", as Tom Leykus would say.
Gawd, I loved to listen to that guy!
I have not, whats going on? I'm still a licensed contractor there.Chris, have you seen where California has pretty much outlawed independent contractors.
I have not, whats going on? I'm still a licensed contractor there.
It’s been 6 weeks since AB5 was signed and put into effect. We’ve now had 6 weeks to see some actual results. So, as a CPA with clients in the Independent Contractor world, and as a lifelong Democrat whose Assemblyperson and Governor actually voted for this sh**show that is AB5, I need to ask: What were you thinking?
After reading the actual law, listening to interviews, and taking numerous courses on AB5, I simply don’t know what the thought process was behind AB5. What was the goal? Because, if it was to “protect California workers”, you’ve done an abysmal job of that.
The laws were there. You just needed to enforce them. Instead, you took a single legal case, Dynamex (where one single company decided to break the rules and throw all their employees to IC status), and you brought the hammer down. On everyone. You have decided to ruin the livelihoods of 1-2 million true California independent contractors because someone somewhere screwed up on, what, 1,000 classifications? That’s some serious overreaction and, might I add, a rather large amount of California citizens to consider acceptable collateral damage.
Instead of switching ICs to employees, many hiring companies have simply cancelled contracts. Period. Done. Work gone. Needless to say, that sound you heard was 1 million independent contractors finding out they no longer have a source of income.
And who’s getting these jobs? OUT-OF-STATE employees, because, lo and behold, your little AB5 states that California companies who hire out-of-state ICs aren’t affected by AB5.
So, you’ve successfully 1) forced ICs to move out of state for work, and 2) allowed CA companies to hire out-of-state workers. Brilliant! You just took an entire demographic of mostly Democratic voters and MOVED them out of Californi
That sounds like California.An Open Letter to CA Government Democrats - WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?
After making the assumption that employers would simply hire the independent contractors as employees...