Morning Rusty.
Morning Chris.
Morning Chris.
Beautiful day to stay inside. 100 again.
She goes on these really lame girls trios every year. She barely likes two of the girls that go, never looks forward to them, there's always drama and when she gets home says she's not going next year. Then she goes next year.
With your breathing problems, you should wait.Morning Rusty, wish I could, lawn looks like crap need to mow it.
With your breathing problems, you should wait.
It's an American Cruise Lines river cruise on the Columbia and Snake Rivers in Washington and Oregon. Small ship with a max of 180 passengers and all rooms have private balconies. My best friend here in Cottonwood and her 2 sisters have gone on these different river cruises yearly with the oldest sister paying all expenses. Their middle sister passed a few weeks ago and there wasn't trip insurance bought.... so, they invited me to go, everything completely paid for including my flights. Who would pass that up???
Is the A/C guy paying for the floor replacement?Morning all. Day 5 of my water damage repair. Nearly $4 grand spent repairing floors all because my A/C guy allowed his 13 year old son to connect the condensate line to the sewer vent line using duct tape. 7 years of constant water dripping can ruin floors, walls studs, etc. I told the A/C guy to get his ass over here now, but boating at Lake Havasu is more important. F him and the horse he rode on.
Barrie, I too have to mow my jungle in front.
Chris, I feel for you, but I know how much you love the kids and time to give them some Dad time.
Ken, be thankful it is only Covid she brings back you you. My ex would have brought me back some venereal disease!
Yup.... free and unexpected.Sounds like the perfect vacation.
We toured that boat as it sat in Astoria. The guard gave us a brochure and damn, those prices were expensive!
Any trip away from that old goat has to be bliss!