love it!Nov. 2, 1922.
love it!Nov. 2, 1922.
Welcome to the Green New Deal!A two-megawatt windmill is made up of 260 tons of steel that required 300 tons or iron ore & 170 tons of coking coal, all mined, transported & produced by hydrocarbons. A windmill could spin UNTIL IT FALLS APART & NEVER generate as much energy as was invested in building it.
I really think the military was pissed and killed JFK over it. Watched an old interview yesterday where one of LBJ's friends said that LBJ had Kennedy killed.We just have to wonder what else has been fabricated since this incident?
House Bill 1152 proposes specific requirements for storing a legally owned firearm for gun owners (they would have to store their firearms in a hard case or lock the trigger in a soft case) and significant penalties if the gun is stolen. The owner of a gun that becomes stolen could face a $1,000 fine, and if the thief who stole the firearm is someone who legally cannot own a gun and commits a violent crime with said gun, the gun owner could be charged with a separate felony. Washington state So you could be arrested for being robbed. |
I have a reverse osmosis system under my kitchen sink. I only use that water for drinking and cooking. I don't trust the public water systems.Finally, they are talking about taking fluoride out of the water. It weakens bones in the elderly and hurts bone development in infants. This has been known for years.
My truck got broken into in California and they stole my pistol. I faced a misdemeanor for not having it properly secured in a safe.
House Bill 1152 proposes specific requirements for storing a legally owned firearm for gun owners (they would have to store their firearms in a hard case or lock the trigger in a soft case) and significant penalties if the gun is stolen. The owner of a gun that becomes stolen could face a $1,000 fine, and if the thief who stole the firearm is someone who legally cannot own a gun and commits a violent crime with said gun, the gun owner could be charged with a separate felony. Washington state
So you could be arrested for being robbed.
At least Leonard Peltier got released. He went home to die. He was framed for the murders. Even the guy who arrested him said he was innocent. He had an independent witness who said he was elsewhere. The FBI just wanted him because he was the leader of AIM. Another revenge arrest by the DOJ.
Peltier — a member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and then an activist with the American Indian Movement, a grassroots Indigenous rights group — was identified as the only person on the reservation in possession of the type of weapon that could fire the type of bullet that killed the agents. But dozens of people had participated in the gunfight; at trial, two co-defendants were acquitted after they claimed self-defense. When Peltier was tried separately in 1977, no witnesses who could identify him as the shooter were presented, and unknown to his defense lawyers at the time, the federal government had withheld a ballistics report indicating the fatal bullets didn't come from his weapon, according to court documents Peltier filed on appeal. But the FBI has maintained his conviction was "rightly and fairly obtained" and "has withstood numerous appeals to multiple courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court." |