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What is it with dogs at the vet? I can see the panting, the worrisome look, the nervousness? Seems dogs are way too smart.
She loves people and dogs, but she does get suspicious of people trying to do things to her. She definitely hates the butt poke with the thermometer 😆

She's getting a heartworm test, rabies and bordatella vaccines, and a cytopoint injection for allergies. All that and the exam is $278.
It's just chilly and cloudy here.
Kayeh is tired from her vet visit.

Still raining outside. Went to Sam's Club. Spent $228 for popcorn, bananas, and girlie face cream crap. Damn, that stuff is pricy. Glad I'm a guy!
I buy Burt's Bees Calming Day Lotion for $14.... It's all I ever use on my face. I don't even use makeup
Wife stopped at Auto Zone and got a wiper blade put on her car. $38. Same blade is $8 at Walmart.
At oriellys if you ask for tge fleet wipers from the back they are 4 bucks and no different than the 20 dollar ones
Got a bad hip. Mama wants me to use the needle guy again. I don't know. Always thought it was more hocus pocus than science
I thought it was too but now I believe it. He has been working mostly on my sciatica, ive had back problems for 20 years and after about 30 minutes in my excavator I'd have to move around to tolerate it, my feet would go numb and it plain hurt. I spent three longs days in it this week with no pain at all. My back hasn't felt this good in 15 years. My arthritis in my pinky knuckle is almost gone and my foot is getting better. He's fixed things that doctors couldn't or wouldn't.

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