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I just spoke to my VP and she said the same thing. I know in the onset, Amazon offered us a truck or a fully paid building for life just to support them. We declined. Two council members voted to approve, and within one week, one had a new Ford F350 4x4 on his driveway, the other quit and suspiciously purchased a lakefront home in Utah. The mayor, who is still our mayor got something big, but can't find out any further.
I'm sure Biden was planning on pardoning Hunter all along. He was just waiting for after the election. Even the libs are pissed off because of how they always preach no one is above the law. Such hypocrites.
There's no doubt biden was going to pardon him. There's also no doubt amazon paid off city officials
I was wrong, its 18 here foggy and everything is covered in ice
Im supposed to paint my rental this week. Probably not going to happen with high at 40 and fog and ice on everything
It's a gorgeous day here. Sunny and 69°.
Along with the twice a day dog walks, I've started riding my bike mid day while the dogs are napping. I'm working on hill training because that uses some different leg muscles. The front of my thigh muscles start screaming by the time I'm at the top, but that should improve pretty quickly. I seem to already have good stamina and that will improve pretty quickly also. When I was mountain biking 3 to 5 times a week I was climbing steep hills easily.... but that was 9 years ago so it'll take some time to get that back. I'm 9 years older though so I need to take that into consideration too 😆


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