last person to post wins!

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Is burning witches at the stake against the law?

I Don't recall ever seeing or reading a law saying it wasn't!!!

I have a list:
Jane F.
Hillary C.
Whoopie G.
Kamala H.
What a nice morning, all overcast and cool. I can actually sit outside with my coffee.
Real estate has gone nuts. We gave $38,000 for our house freshly remodeled 8 years ago. It is now valued at $132,000.
I paid 420 for mine and it's worth 1.3 currently. Doesn't benefit me at all as I'm not selling and my assessed value is 980k. I bought a small house in town for 37k and sold it for 250k.
Hopefully next year rear estate drops a bunch
Nope, let's wait just one more year.
I paid $550k, Zillow says it's worth $960k. G/F is about fed up and on December 3rd, the judge will rule against our Amazon lawsuit appeal, so after sending it to the Fed Supreme Court, as a stall tactic, we will be moving to Prescott. It helps her decide since her daughter is moving to Porterville, and we sure as hell ain't moving to that shithole.

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