last person to post wins!

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My other half is cleaning the inside areas of the wooden blinds right now.
Me, I'm outside working on sprinklers, cleaning the pool, and picking up dropped apples.
Just hitting 101⁰, I'm spending the rest of the day in the pool.
Just hitting 101⁰, I'm spending the rest of the day in the pool.

You know about the Frog don't you ?

He was chilly, the water was 90 so he jumped into the water to warm up a bit. The water got to 101, he thought it was great! The water got to 110, that was even better so he relaxed even more. Then it went up to 125, thought it was a bit on the high side but not terrible. He relaxed even more.... well, when the water got to 160, ...he was done !
VPbitch is now saying, ...:NO TAX ON TIPS"...

What's next;

DRILL, BABY DRILL, DRILL, drill me hard, drill me long time...

... and that's when walz boy quits, saying "I ain't going there...."
VPbitch is now saying, ...:NO TAX ON TIPS"...

What's next;

DRILL, BABY DRILL, DRILL, drill me hard, drill me long time...

... and that's when walz boy quits, saying "I ain't going there...."

Xiden would say... i d Hit Dat bitch!
Xiden would say... i d Hit Dat bitch!

hunter would say... "no dad, you.only get 10%, after I get my 90... that's our deal"...

And hunter to joe...
" besides that dad, someone has to show you where the entrance and exits are"
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Is that enough for today?

I could do another.

... joe says: "just climb up on da bitch and ride..."

.... hunter: "dad, just don't let the cameras catch you falling off"...
hope walz.jpg
Evening, last night at the lake. Heading home in the morning
About time !

You need to.get back to work, get those tax dollars in so I can get my check from from my "Uncle"

...thank you !
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Morning. Had a dr appt and labs. Went back to gabapentin for pain. It helps and if I only take it once a day, side effects are not too bad. Have to go back at 1:00 for my EPO shot.
Morning. Had a dr appt and labs. Went back to gabapentin for pain. It helps and if I only take it once a day, side effects are not too bad. Have to go back at 1:00 for my EPO shot.
Have you tried pregabilan? It works better for me. The only side effects I get are that I am dumber like a pot smoker, it effects my short term memory and occasionally I get blurred vision. I am meeting my doctor Thurs to see if there are any other options for me. I'd rather not take anything if I can.

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