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Good morning everyone!
Rain later today with a high of 47 here
Supposed to hit 38 here then drop to 30 tonight with freezing rain. I have nowhere I have to go. My sister is having surgery in the morning, but her husband and my daughter will be with her.
The EVs won't go in Chicago because of the cold. Tow truck drivers are swamped. They say if you get one going, they lose 41% of their range by using the heater. And this is from The Weather Channel and they believe in climate change.
I posted this on another forum but forgot to share it here. If anyone is interested, the movie theater is the Terra Vista 6 movie theater, located at Haven and Foothill, in Rancho Cucamonga.

I went to the movies the other night. As we were walking to the car about 10PM, I saw 3 teens on different bikes that seemed to be watching our every move and following us. The hackles went up on my neck, and saw they were up to no good. Thank God I was carrying. I ripped the gun out of my holster, and put it in my hand. The red dot sight is motion activated, and I'm sure they saw the glow of that red dot in my hand. Strangely, they all scattered and then whistled to a car, in the parking lot, that was loaded with more kids. It backed out and drove away really quick.
Yeah, I would have been a victim. Of what, I don't know, but I know for a fact that something was up with them.
Carry your gun, folks!
I shudder to think what would have happened if I wasn't carrying? If anything, it is a reminder how important it is to carry at all times.

Just to add, having lost 39 pounds, it is much easier to wear my inside bound clip holster inside my waistband without any discomfort. This is one of the biggest benefits to loosing weight.
I don't carry one here in town much, but there is really no crime. If we leave to go to a bigger city, I carry.
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What a night. An idiot hit black ice and then slammed into the car was stepson was riding in. So we had to drive 80 miles round trip on ice covered roads to go get him. Left here about 11:30 pm.
Morning all. Rainy day here. Its nasty outsaide. Had a foot of snow then rain. Its a wet muddy mess.
Good morning!
It's just a dreary misty cloudy cool morning here. I spread Preen on Saturday so I hope it rains enough to activate it.
Good morning all!

It's been raining cats and dogs here. I'm happy to report hiring that crew was the best thing I've done in years. My drains on my driveway allow the water to flow perfectly into the main rain catchment basin. No water settling anywhere. Just based in the level of the pool, I'd say we've received at least 2-3" of rain overnight.
I always carry.
Doesn't matter where I go.
to go get gas
to the bank
to the grocery
Anywhere Anyplace Anytime

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