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It sounds like almost everyone on here is sick. I hope everyone feels better soon.
Well I don't want to jinx it, but other than some fibromyalgia I'm not feeling sick.
Have you tried the low dose naltrexone yet, between that and my nerve medication my body has been feeling pretty good.
Evening all. Going to try and do a sewer line replacement tomorrow before the storms hit. Hope it goes well.
Have you tried the low dose naltrexone yet, between that and my nerve medication my body has been feeling pretty good.
Not yet. My Dr last year said he would let me try it. He ended up moving in June and I have a new Dr now that I saw a few weeks ago. I talked to him about it and he said he'd definitely let me try it when/if I'm ready. I don't really get much pain, it's more an achy flu like feeling along with a restless uncomfortable feeling that I get for a week or two at a time. My neck and shoulders feel tight sometimes too. Taking magnesium glycinate has helped a lot with that. I do get sore for a couple days after doing hard work. I'm not sure if those symptoms warrant getting a prescription for it?
Not yet. My Dr last year said he would let me try it. He ended up moving in June and I have a new Dr now that I saw a few weeks ago. I talked to him about it and he said he'd definitely let me try it when/if I'm ready. I don't really get much pain, it's more an achy flu like feeling along with a restless uncomfortable feeling that I get for a week or two at a time. My neck and shoulders feel tight sometimes too. Taking magnesium glycinate has helped a lot with that. I do get sore for a couple days after doing hard work. I'm not sure if those symptoms warrant getting a prescription for it?
I would at least try it for a while, it is supposed to stop those flare-ups all together. There really isnt any sude effects so it doesn't hurt to try. Everyone ive talked to on it has good results. Its done so much for me i feel like i need to tell everyone.
Morning all. Blizzard warnings starting tomorrow.
Good morning.
I slept in to 7:45... the low here was 25. It's sunny and 28 here now.
Good morning all. Yep, darn chilly. Put thermometer down to 68 last night, and I think the heater stayed on all night.

My libtard neighbors behind me have always complained that they like to hot tub nude, and jokes about hanging a sock on the block wall when I in the backyard. Well, now the wall is 6 1/2' tall, and they can do what they want. I paid to build up the wall, but all they did was bitch when the workers chiseled some concrete pieces on their slab. I got a text telling me to send the workers over there to sweep his backyard. For Christ's sake, I'm paying for the entire slumpstone wall, so they have privacy, and he wants the workers to stop and accommodate him? Worst yet, his palm trees planted 9" from the wall is cracking the wall. My workers told him that eventually, that wall will fall down due to his 4 palms, and recommended that someone take them out. He said, "I don't care!" Fricken Biden lovers! I hate these people!
Good morning all. Yep, darn chilly. Put thermometer down to 68 last night, and I think the heater stayed on all night.

My libtard neighbors behind me have always complained that they like to hot tub nude, and jokes about hanging a sock on the block wall when I in the backyard. Well, now the wall is 6 1/2' tall, and they can do what they want. I paid to build up the wall, but all they did was bitch when the workers chiseled some concrete pieces on their slab. I got a text telling me to send the workers over there to sweep his backyard. For Christ's sake, I'm paying for the entire slumpstone wall, so they have privacy, and he wants the workers to stop and accommodate him? Worst yet, his palm trees planted 9" from the wall is cracking the wall. My workers told him that eventually, that wall will fall down due to his 4 palms, and recommended that someone take them out. He said, "I don't care!" Fricken Biden lovers! I hate these people!
Kill those trees. How tall are they?
My day,

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