Joke time....

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There were these twin sisters just turning one hundred years old in St. Luke’s Nursing Home and the editor of the Cambridge rag, “The Cambridge Distorter”, told a photographer to get over there and take the pictures of these 100 year old twin bitteys.

One of the twins was hard of hearing and the other could hear quite well. The photographer asked them to sit on the sofa and the deaf one said to her twin, WHAT DID HE SAY?

He said, WE GOTTA SIT OVER THERE ON THE SOFA, said the other.

Now get a little closer together said the cameraman.

Again, WHAT DID HE SAY, HE SAYS SQUEEZE TOGETHER A LITTLE, so they wiggled up close to each other.

Just hold on for a bit longer, I’ve got to focus a little, said the photographer.

Yet again, WHAT DID HE SAY?


With a big grin, the deaf twin shouted out, OH MY GOD, BOTH OF US?
Subject: 7 Kinds of SEX

The 1st kind of sex is called ... Smurf Sex.
This kind of sex happens when you first meet someone and you both have sex
until you are blue in the face

The 2nd kind of sex is called ... Kitchen Sex.
This is when you have been with your partner for a short time and you are so
needy you will have sex anywhere, even in the kitchen.

The 3rd kind of sex is called ... Bedroom Sex.
This is when you have been with your partner for a long time.
Your sex has gotten routine and you usually have sex only in your bedroom.

The 4th kind of sex is called ... Hallway Sex.
This is when you have been with your partner for too long.
When you pass each other in the hallway you both say . '**** You.'

The 5th kind of sex is called ... Religious Sex.
Which means you get Nun in the morning, Nun in the afternoon and Nun at
night. (Very Popular)

The 6th kind is called ... Courtroom Sex.
This is when you cannot stand your wife any more. She takes you to court and
screws you in front of everyone.

And .. Last ... But not least ....

The 7th kind of sex is called ... Social Security Sex.
You get a little each month. But not enough to enjoy yourself.


I have enough problems of my own !!!

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