the random phone pics thread....

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Medusa flying
MUDUSA drone flying.jpg
Your BELL.... I want your bell !!!!
Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't sayin' I want to ring your bell, I just want a bell like the one at the bottom of your picture. Not that ringing your bell would be a bad thing but Scout probably wouldn't like that and it would upset her terribly and I would never do that on purpose. I mean even if it wasn't on purpose it would not be a good thing for her, or even me... I think I better shut up now before she see's this and goes all Giraffe on me, 'K.
swing under windtower.jpg

This is from under the windmill type tower my Dad has when then lived in Channing TX. Can see forever. When they moved there, it was a Pop. of 297. 13 years later when they left it had grown to 356.

This photo always reminds me of the great openness, no trees, and tumbleweeds.
This is my late Uncle David's house on April 24th, 2011. April 27th it was not like this and the big trees came down. That's the day of tornados and 6 days without power here. I loved that house, and had spent many many hours listening to the same stories from him. He was my best buddy.


This is what he had behind the well house. There is a well opening that is about 3 ft round, and hand dug in that house you see behind it. It got leveled too.
just something to do, it is fun,

here is my favorite, back yard BBQ

swing 001.JPG

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