So, I shot in a short range tactical match this weekend. I read the course description but apparently wasn't paying too much attention. It specifically stated that due to shot requirements and time constraints a semi auto with box mag was suggested.
I rolled in with my SCAR-16, iron sights. I've run it out to past 500 yards on irons for ***** and gigs, but I can ring a silhouette at 300 yards with relative ease. Semi auto, simple, iron sighted "assault rifle" should be the idea firearm for a short range tactical match, I thought.
I tied for last out of 15 shooters.
The course of fire was always the following: 8" gong at 100, 8" gong at 200, 8" gong at 300....from varying positions (standing kneeling prone) and with varying amounts of time constraint (6 shots 60 seconds, 3 shots 15 seconds, 3 shots 10 seconds, 3 shots 5 seconds). However, it was always shooting a 8" target at 100 200 and 300 yards.
So, I understand that any given rifle as such should be fine out to 300 or more, and 300 yards is NOT long range (hell, my SCAR is zeroed at 25/300) but on 8" gongs? Somehow "short range tactical" translated to headshots at 100 200 300 yards. I couldnt even see the gong at 300, just the straps holding it up.
I was the ONLY rifle on irons. One other guy had a red dot, and one had a 1.6 power scope on his FS2000, they were allowed to compete in the metallic sights category because they were non-magnified.
Either way, bringing a compact, low drag, keep it simple stupid type rifle put me at a serious disadvantage. Most other folks had precision type AR's with bipods heavy long barrels and big optics. Few folks were running bolt guns.
Jokes on me I suppose. I guess next time I'll leave my SCAR at home and bring my full size, 44" long, 14.5 lbs, 30 caliber M1A with a 16 power optic on it....because thats clearly a more ideal short range tactical rifle, LOL!!!
I had an absolute blast and it was a super fun event even though I shot like ****, but i dont think the name accurately represents the course of fire.
I rolled in with my SCAR-16, iron sights. I've run it out to past 500 yards on irons for ***** and gigs, but I can ring a silhouette at 300 yards with relative ease. Semi auto, simple, iron sighted "assault rifle" should be the idea firearm for a short range tactical match, I thought.
I tied for last out of 15 shooters.
The course of fire was always the following: 8" gong at 100, 8" gong at 200, 8" gong at 300....from varying positions (standing kneeling prone) and with varying amounts of time constraint (6 shots 60 seconds, 3 shots 15 seconds, 3 shots 10 seconds, 3 shots 5 seconds). However, it was always shooting a 8" target at 100 200 and 300 yards.
So, I understand that any given rifle as such should be fine out to 300 or more, and 300 yards is NOT long range (hell, my SCAR is zeroed at 25/300) but on 8" gongs? Somehow "short range tactical" translated to headshots at 100 200 300 yards. I couldnt even see the gong at 300, just the straps holding it up.
I was the ONLY rifle on irons. One other guy had a red dot, and one had a 1.6 power scope on his FS2000, they were allowed to compete in the metallic sights category because they were non-magnified.
Either way, bringing a compact, low drag, keep it simple stupid type rifle put me at a serious disadvantage. Most other folks had precision type AR's with bipods heavy long barrels and big optics. Few folks were running bolt guns.
Jokes on me I suppose. I guess next time I'll leave my SCAR at home and bring my full size, 44" long, 14.5 lbs, 30 caliber M1A with a 16 power optic on it....because thats clearly a more ideal short range tactical rifle, LOL!!!
I had an absolute blast and it was a super fun event even though I shot like ****, but i dont think the name accurately represents the course of fire.