Cookie Monster
Yes, Quicksilver's makes a good one.
As you know, all new forums has their small bugs that need tweaking and fixing. Just today, we discovered a minor error which prevented return email confirmation when registering. Please be patient and above all, post (or send me a PM) any and all problems you are having. We will also be adding an introduction section, a gun section, and a few others.
Please give us any and all ideas you all might have.
Havasu (Mark)
JF Admin
A mountain biking section would be cool.
If we can't have NOT JEEPS, you can't have those things.
I agree but when I brought it up I was told we were going to use pagers and have to type creative little one word replies out of numbers.An app for this forum would be nice so we could get alerts as soon as they happen and can respond quicker without having to use the browser on our phones or computer.
Maybe find an app already created for forums that can be downloaded via app store or google play? I imagine it's some what difficult to have an app designed and created and I have no idea where to even begin to have one developed but there's got to be a better way than what you previously stated.I agree but when I brought it up I was told we were going to use pagers and have to type creative little one word replies out of numbers.