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This was a crappy day fighting water.
I was peacefully watching TV when my smoke alarms went off. Those damn things are loud! At first I thought it was my security system and I went for my gun, but realized it was my smoke alarm and started checking everywhere. No smoke... I got a ladder and changed the batteries in the 2 that were alarming. I guess they are interconnected. They went off again so I had to unplug one and so far it's been quiet. I did open all the inside doors and turned the furnace fan on. If there really is a fire one of the other 3 will pick it up. My ears are still ringing
Probably hard wired and linked together. Sometimes it is just easier to unplug, then plug in a new 3 pack of hard wired smoke detectors. I just did my g/f's daughter's house.
That's probably what I'm going to have to do.

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