last person to post wins!

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Finally, site is back up. Kept getting a message that the server is down.
Only down a few hours this time.
Got that for a couple hours on all their forums. Again.
Is this something that's going to be an ongoing problem?
…….. I'm afraid folks will be losing confidence in the forums and go elsewhere.

Where else could everyone go !??!

Hey, we could ALL move to Idaho... live on this guys place up there, drink his booze, steal from him ( just like a BIL would), go to Work for him, and Not have to work, just waste time on a job site, break his equipment, take time off whenever we want, I hear he's a really nice guy... has an ice cream place which is suppose to have midget pole dancing Strippers ...that never opens, a nice newly painted big garage to work in and store our cars/trucks in... I think his name is Christian, Christopher, Chrissty… no, I recall now... It is CHRISS..... << that's the guy !
He even has a cow or two we could chop up and eat with free beer... and some old trucks and things that we could play 'demo-derby' with after a few drinks !!!!
Morning. Last night's outage was at least planned, but I'm afraid folks will be losing confidence in the forums and go elsewhere.
I just hope it doesn't impact the flooring forum. And last night was the 3rd time in a week.
BTW, I was watching a Gunsmoke the other day. There was a strikingly beautiful actress that I googled and found she married Carroll Shelby. Bitch was just after his money!
Now I just feel used, you just explained my life.
Things are thawing here which means I'm way behind.

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