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But 98% of gluten free persons say they will die if they touch gluten.
I have run into alot of those people, funny how they can still cheat on their diet.

I know, I live with one of those!
It is a real pain in the ass, I do all of the cooking and need to make separate meals for us !!!! AND... she is lactose intolerant !!! Try that one for awhile !!!
Even with something as simple as mashed potatoes... I have to make two different batches; mine with milk/butter/sour cream, her's with just soy milk....
Corn tortias... rice flour... special cerials... soy ice creme... special bread... can't use cheese... it gets real old sometimes. But then it is OK to GO OUT and have Carrot Cake for desert and creme in coffee...

Uhg... vent over...
Morning barrie. The company that offered me the foreman job called yesterday and is offering a project manager position at much more pay. Seems they want me there. I think I will seriously consider this one. Its would be hard to give up my freedoms of making time to do what I want but I've been too busy to do what I want anyway.

Just how much traveling will it require, away from home...
I know, I live with one of those!
It is a real pain in the ass, I do all of the cooking and need to make separate meals for us !!!! AND... she is lactose intolerant !!! Try that one for awhile !!!
Even with something as simple as mashed potatoes... I have to make two different batches; mine with milk/butter/sour cream, her's with just soy milk....
Corn tortias... rice flour... special cerials... soy ice creme... special bread... can't use cheese... it gets real old sometimes. But then it is OK to GO OUT and have Carrot Cake for desert and creme in coffee...

Uhg... vent over...
I dont get it either, seems like way too much work just to eat. I honestly believe most people who have stomach issues that think it's a gluten thing are mistaken and looking for a reason and that one is popular. I did a lot of research when I was diagnosed and tested with things I ate and came to the conclusion that it's more preservatives than anything else tearing up our stomachs. I try and only eat fresh foods and havent had stomach issues in a long time.
Just how much traveling will it require, away from home...
As projected manager not alot. Most work is done in the office with a few tips to visit jobs which are all over the state. Much less traveling than if I were a foreman
Morning all. I have gluten free, vegans, vegetarians and carnivorous members in my family. I've given up cooking for them.

We go out to dinner with the gluten free (who isn't, but it sounds sytlish!) and the manager must make her meal to avoid cross contamination/ Very embarrassing.
I read that to, I never wanted to believe it.
It was the "in" thing. If someone wanted to be cool they said they had a gluten allergy and most doctors know nothing about it. So they would diagnose that if they had no clue what was wrong.
I know, I live with one of those!
It is a real pain in the ass, I do all of the cooking and need to make separate meals for us !!!! AND... she is lactose intolerant !!! Try that one for awhile !!!
Even with something as simple as mashed potatoes... I have to make two different batches; mine with milk/butter/sour cream, her's with just soy milk....
Corn tortias... rice flour... special cerials... soy ice creme... special bread... can't use cheese... it gets real old sometimes. But then it is OK to GO OUT and have Carrot Cake for desert and creme in coffee...

Uhg... vent over...
Don't let her know then that some studies say that soy can cause breast cancer and numerous other illnesses. She will have nothing that she can eat.
A wife asks her husband, "Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have avocados, get 6.
A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk.
The wife asks him, "Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?"
He replied, "They had avocados."
If you're a woman, I'm sure you're going back to read it again! Men will get it the first time.
Morning all. I have gluten free, vegans, vegetarians and carnivorous members in my family. I've given up cooking for them.

We go out to dinner with the gluten free (who isn't, but it sounds sytlish!) and the manager must make her meal to avoid cross contamination/ Very embarrassing.
Should ask her about celiac disease, that is the one that makes you allergic to gluten. I bet she has never heard of it, also it is a simple blood test to know now days.
It was the "in" thing. If someone wanted to be cool they said they had a gluten allergy and most doctors know nothing about it. So they would diagnose that if they had no clue what was wrong.
says. Doctors dont even do the blood test that proves whether or not
I hate insurance companies. I had a vehicle towed a couple days ago. I have tow insurance. So after it is towed, I call my agent and give them the details. Then today, the main office in St Louis called me to confirm. I missed the call. Tried to call them back, can't get through the stupid menu. Called my agent, told them I am ready to drop the ins. for all 3 vehicles and the house. They finally take care of it.
I hate these footing jobs I took on for my neighbor, I'm ready to walk away. Working for less than minimum wage with the amount of hours involved
I hate these footing jobs I took on for my neighbor, I'm ready to walk away. Working for less than minimum wage with the amount of hours involved
I wouldn't get out of bed four six times min wage.... Truth !!!!!

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