But 98% of gluten free persons say they will die if they touch gluten.
I have run into alot of those people, funny how they can still cheat on their diet.
I know, I live with one of those!
It is a real pain in the ass, I do all of the cooking and need to make separate meals for us !!!! AND... she is lactose intolerant !!! Try that one for awhile !!!
Even with something as simple as mashed potatoes... I have to make two different batches; mine with milk/butter/sour cream, her's with just soy milk....
Corn tortias... rice flour... special cerials... soy ice creme... special bread... can't use cheese... it gets real old sometimes. But then it is OK to GO OUT and have Carrot Cake for desert and creme in coffee...
Uhg... vent over...