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....with all the CRAP on the news, I feel like I should go out and protest SOMETHING... anything...

But, I have a life, so no time for all the hate and nonsense!!!!!
All that and Jimmy Kimmel has joined the ranks of douche bag. Can't even turn in the tv without people slamming the president in the name of entertainment.

I blame the media for 98 percent of hate and divide in this country, they are so bored with just stating the news they go out of their way to stir **** up and cause conflict. I hate them all left and right.
Well, not good, not bad. Surgery to repair the hip went well, but advanced dementia sucks. She's in rehab for another 10 days then she goes back to assisted living home.
All that and Jimmy Kimmel has joined the ranks of douche bag. Can't even turn in the tv without people slamming the president in the name of entertainment.

I blame the media for 98 percent of hate and divide in this country, they are so bored with just stating the news they go out of their way to stir **** up and cause conflict. I hate them all left and right.
land of free and home of the brave will soon become land of stupid ******* ******
All these idiots will eventually regret removing every bit of history that offends them. Their kids will be dumb as rocks and not know anything older than 2010.
I have these same sentiments. I am very frustrated and honestly expect this as the beginning of a huge race war, unless Trump starts acting now.

This is from an internet friend who can say it better than I....

"This Riot, and others like it, are not about Racism, White Supremacy, Slavery or the Civil War or any other Excuse given. This is about America, and a group of People living among us who want to see America fall, a group of People who want to take over and re-make America into something that they want. The same thing happened in Nazi Germany under Hitler, it happened in Communist China under Mao, It is happening in Russia, N. Korea, and in the Middle East where the Vermin there shout "Death to America". Notice that it's always about America, and our values that are under fire, by Vermin in our own Country who are no better than those Dictators, Terrorists, and Communist Leaders mentioned above, who want to Trample the Constitution and separate us from our Freedom by wiping out our History, suppressing our Speech, and Dictating how we Think, Speak, who we associate with, and what we believe. This is what Isis is doing, it's what N. Korea is doing, along with Russia and Communist China among others. This is only the beginning, it's only going to get worse because there are People in Washington who are part of, and support this "Movement" while some LE Agencies stand down and ignore their Duty to Act, and the Courts refusing to take a "Hard Line" against these People when they do Act. Add to all of this the Liberal, Biased News Media, Liberal Colleges, and People who can no longer Think for themselves, and you have another Civil War in the making. "
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Sad thing Mark, those that share those feelings and defend the foundings of our great nation will be identified as the enemy of the state.

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