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Happy Halloween

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Good morning all.
No kids come down our street for trick or treating. I miss giving out candy to the little kids. It was quiet here. Ken smoked chicken wings and we roasted marshmallows... oh and we watched the original Halloween and Halloween II. Michael Meyers terrifies me 😳
We close our gate before dark just to prevent any possible mischief makers from causing trouble, but if we did get trick or treaters on our road I'd enjoy giving out candy.

At my last house in Ohio I'd get 100's of kids come through. All the parents of the neighborhood sat on lawn chairs on their driveways with a portable fire pit, drinking hot coffee or wine and giving out candy. It was fun.
Did not even see any kids come down the street. But wind chill was in the teens and houses are spaced far apart on our street.
Had two raccoons on the back patio this morning. Set a trap tonight.

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