An old Texas cattleman was nursing a small pitcher of beer at a bar, when a slender young man came in, looking very upset, and ordered three shots of pain-killer. The old cowman spoke up, "you look like your dog just died, son. ...What's your problem?"
"Well...I don't like talking about it...but I guess my personal privacy is the last of my concerns, now. I've just been diagnosed with full-blown, advanced AIDS. It's hard to accept, since I had no real warning...I guess I must have just skipped the early HIV symptoms."
The old cowman shook his head in sympathy. "Tell you what, son, lemme give you some advice, a recipe, that might do you some good. You take two cans of kidney beans, add six fresh habanero peppers, chopped fine and including all the seeds, add three rounded tablespoons of cayenne pepper, bring it to a boil, simmer for five minutes, and just spoon it all down, quick as you can stand the temperature."
"...Holy sh...! That sounds just dreadful...but I suppose I could do it. Will it cure AIDS?"
"Nah. But it might just give you a clue as to what your butt is for."