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  1. RiponredTJ

    last person to post wins!

    Don't see many of these in my neck of the woods...
  2. RiponredTJ

    about time...

    If watching a barrel of monkeys **** on each other and fight over bananas ain't fun, I don't know what is. Maybe I'm just twisted dunno
  3. RiponredTJ

    What are you currently drinking?

    It's also good for breeding smoked salmon lol.
  4. RiponredTJ

    Old folks

    **** Matt, we think alike.
  5. RiponredTJ

    What are you currently drinking?

    I like water. In between bouts of beer.
  6. RiponredTJ

    Family member roles

    Bastids are all hiding in their damn enclaves lol.
  7. RiponredTJ

    last person to post wins!

    Finally, someone with a sense of humor :cool:
  8. RiponredTJ

    about time...

    Learn to post pics noob.
  9. RiponredTJ

    Hello all. Speedy the cat is back home.

    Welcome home ******!
  10. RiponredTJ

    last person to post wins!

    I'm cool :)
  11. RiponredTJ

    last person to post wins!

    It was stinking hot today so I went out and bought a new fan to chill my balls. I didn't mess around. This beast will blow the short and curlies off a hooker at fourty paces.
  12. RiponredTJ

    Family member roles

    Hiya Karen! wavey
  13. RiponredTJ

    What are you currently drinking?

    I need to rink more of it myself, but right now I'm drinking a Sapporo. Jap scrap lol.
  14. RiponredTJ

    How about a name?

    Just put your name in your stinking sig and let's be done with this stupid thread dunno
  15. RiponredTJ

    Old folks

    Sounds familiar, but now my dad lives just up the street, so he is forced to see me lol. He seems to like it.
  16. RiponredTJ

    BigAl is here!

    You are such a smooth operator lol! God bless your soul brother!
  17. RiponredTJ

    BigAl is here!

    I was talking about the motion in the ocean.
  18. RiponredTJ


    Sure you do, don't be so hard on yourself b'day boy :D
  19. RiponredTJ

    The **** Thread!

    Let's get back on track here...
  20. RiponredTJ

    last person to post wins!

    Half the people out west came from Quebec. The other half are Asian. cheers