More progress!
The lower wall still needs the caps, pillars, and return wall at each end. That will be a planting area for native plants. A couple courses of the upper wall will be covered by the dirt after they fill the planting area.
This shows how much of a slope my yard has... The blocks are 6" tall... The top course will be exposed above the pavers and be capped. There'll be a fence railing too so no one falls over. The backside of the wall is 13' from my patio. There will be another wall below that one too.
There's a chance of rain tonight, tomorrow looks ok, and then the real rain hits Thursday, with Friday looking ok. Hopefully they can get it to a point where the rains won't affect it.
First course is down... Tomorrow it should go fast. The elevation had to be perfect so it'd match the level of the pavers when they're installed. The pavers height was determined by the patio elevation since he's installing pavers over top of the concrete too. The blocks are shades of grey with...
I'm making corn fritters, breakfast sausage patties, and roasted brussel sprouts.
The brussel sprouts must be in season because they've been really good and fresh.